Professional Glass Partitions: Covid-19

Can you remember this past summer 2020, when the Pandemic was only getting worse? Remember going into grocery stores and seeing a rather unprofessional looking piece of Plexi-glass taped up in front of the register? To keep customers and employees safe, businesses were acting quickly to implement protections against the spread of Covid-19.

Adapting to the situation was paramount, but these temporary, thrown together “protections” gave off an amateurish look to customers and put a company’s brand image at risk if kept up too long. Whether it be a customer facing business such as a bank, or an office eager to provide returning employees with peace of mind, it was clear that a more elegant, professional looking solution was needed.

Warfield and Sanford was in need of this exact solution at their main office. They contacted Area Construction Group to design and install sleek, wood framed glass partitions that provided a professional appeal. Each executive of this company is now able to meet with clients in their office safely, while actually improving the upscale feel of their office at the same time. 

Why did Warfield and Sanford choose ACG’s custom glass panels over any other solution?

  • Any Size: Choose any size that works for your space and ACG will build them to your specifications.
  • Any Style: Choose any trim style and color that fits your office from a classy jet black to a modern bright green.
  • Perma-Temp: The installation is done in such a way that the panels are fixed, but could be removed easily with only the need to replace a few ceiling tiles, which is one of ACG’s common services.
  • One-Day Install: Four offices, each with two combined glass panels, were set up in only one day. 
  • Brand Appeal: Differentiate your business or office with dividers that provide an image of class, professionalism, authority, and character.